A love story began over a decade ago in the halls of Lawrence Technological University, when Courtney and Adam found themselves living across the hall from each other in their college dormitory. Both were dedicated to rigorous undergraduate programs as well as participating in student athletics. Despite the demanding schedules, they remained close throughout their time in college. As they proudly walked side by side at their graduation, a new chapter in their relationship unfolded. They decided to take the plunge into a more serious commitment and pursue an exclusive relationship. In 2019, Courtney and Adam began a new chapter and purchased their first home in the city of Royal Oak. In 2021, Courtney and Adam decided to make another move, this time up Woodward to the city of Birmingham. Recently, they welcomed Ralph Lauren or “Ralphie”, a chocolate long-haired Chihuahua, into their hearts and home. Last fall, the couple found themselves in the breathtaking city of Barcelona. In one of Europe's most beautiful parks, Adam chose the perfect moment to propose. Now, with hearts full of joy and anticipation, Courtney and Adam invite you to share in the celebration of their love.